3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

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The air you breathe can have a big effect on your health, and your home’s indoor air quality plays a large role in what you breathe in. Though not always visible to the naked eye, there are many different kinds of particles, such as dust, mold, and other contaminants, that can float around in your air and negatively affect the indoor air quality. If you want to make sure the air you breathe is safe, follow these three tips for improving your home’s indoor air quality.

3 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

  1. Clean regularly. Pet hair, dust, and other particles can get trapped in furniture and other surfaces around your home, which makes it easier for them to affect the indoor air quality. Regularly cleaning your home through dusting, vacuuming, and other household chores can help get rid of these contaminants.
  2. Change your air conditioning filters. Air filters in your air conditioning system help to remove contaminants from the air. They need to be replaced regularly to continue to do so. Making sure you change your air conditioning filters when they’re dirty is a great way to improve indoor air quality.
  3. Hire air quality testing services. Because not all types of air quality contaminants are visible, it can be hard to know what particles and contaminants are lingering in your air. An indoor air quality testing service can tell you more about the air that you’re breathing and what contaminants are floating around. Knowing this information will help you take steps to combat the sources behind poor indoor air quality.

Call us here at Coastal Air Assessments today and ask us about how we can help you improve you indoor air quality through our indoor air quality testing service.