Does Your Property Have Radon?

We Offer Testing Services!

Protect Your Health with Radon Testing

Radon is a radioactive element that naturally occurs in the soil. You can’t see or smell radon, but exposure to radon gas can have harmful health effects, like lung cancer. You may even be exposed to radon for many years without ever knowing it’s present.

If you want to properly mitigate radon levels in your home or business, we can help. We offer radon testing services, so contact us today!

How radon gas enters a house with all residential options outline diagram
1.	Professional Radon Testing Services

Exposure to radon is a major health risk and can increase your chances of lung cancer.

Public Facility

All public and private schools, 24-hour care facilities, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and state-licensed daycare centers must test for radon.

Particulates from common household products

Many facilities must have radon testing every five years to ensure radon has not exceeded appropriate levels.

Contact Us Today

Prevent the risk of radon exposure with professional testing. Contact us today to schedule your testing appointment!